AZUD HELIX SYSTEM is the manual filter series for use in water filtration application, based on high efficiency with low maintenance.

AZUD HELIX device are based on the centrifugal action which optimizes the filtration performance while reducing backwash frequency and maintenance.

Advantage :

Disc filtration with maximum safety :
Its patented design and high quality materials used in manufacturing, guarantee extended life High filtering surface. Filtration degrees 100, 130, 200 and 400 micron.

Modularity :
Versatility, compatibility. The system permits a wide range of flows and configurations, using a minimal number of components.

Manufactured in plastic materials

Low Maintenance :
Simple with no tools required. Maximum wear resistance of high quality moving parts.

The exclusive Butterfly System :
used for locking the filter elements, allow for easy decompression of the disc stack during backwash. It also allows easy handling and disc maintenance.



The helix generates a centrifuge helical effect, which moves away from the discs the particles in the water.

This is translated in a lesser frequency and intensity of the maintenace labours, with the subsequent saving of water.

Through the discs is made the in-depth filtration process.